Chinese premier calls for closer exchanges, enhanced cooperation with Kazakhstan

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (L) meets with Kazakh Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov via video link in Beijing, China, November 29, 2022. (Photo: Xinhua)

China is willing to work with Kazakhstan to strengthen high-level exchanges and communication at all levels, enhance the synergy on development strategies, and deepen practical cooperation in all fields to push China-Kazakhstan relations to a new high, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Tuesday.

Li made the remarks when meeting with Kazakh Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov via video link, adding that China will strengthen coordination and cooperation in regional and global affairs with Kazakhstan to better safeguard the region's peace, stability and development.

China and Kazakhstan are friendly neighbors, Li said, adding that bilateral relations have made substantial development since diplomatic ties were established 30 years ago, benefiting the two countries and their peoples.

The premier said the cooperation between China and Kazakhstan has solid foundation and obvious complementary advantages, showing huge potential and broad prospects.

Li hopes both sides will implement the inter-governmental economic and trade cooperation plan, improve interconnectivity and enhance the volume of border shipments, and promote the continuous improvement of bilateral trade.

Noting that energy cooperation is the cornerstone of the two countries' practical cooperation, Li said China hopes Kazakhstan to ensure the stable supply of gas to China in accordance with the contract, and increase gas supply in winter.

Both sides can explore new growth points in cooperation on finance and cross-border e-commerce, Li added.

For his part, Smailov said Kazakhstan attaches great importance to developing China-Kazakhstan relations, and stands ready to deepen mutual political trust with China.

Kazakhstan will strengthen communication and cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, production capacity, energy, agriculture, connectivity and people-to-people exchanges, so as to push forward the ongoing development of China-Kazakhstan comprehensive strategic partnership, he added.