California schools to decide when, how to open
People's Daily

Photo taken on March 20, 2020 shows roads in Los Angeles, California, the United States. (Photo: Xinhua)

California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond says school districts will make their own decisions about when, and how, to open during this COVID-19 era.

Thurmond said Wednesday he expects most school districts to open as usual in late August or September, but with classes that look radically different to maintain social-distancing standards.

Expected is a mix of in-person and distance learning with fewer children in classes, hallways and other common areas. They will wear masks, as will teachers and staff.

Thurmond plans to hold a virtual meeting Thursday with representatives from 1,000 districts to get an idea of what schools are thinking they’ll have to do to keep students safe and buildings sanitized.

California has 6 million K-12 students.