Hungarian president asks Viktor Orban to form new gov't

Hungary's President Janos Ader speaks at a past press conference. (File photo: CGTN)

BUDAPEST, April 29 (Xinhua) -- Hungarian President Janos Ader has asked Viktor Orban, the prime ministerial candidate of the Fidesz-KDNP coalition that won the parliamentary election on April 3, to form a new government.

Orban accepted Ader's invitation here on Friday morning. Ader and Orban made a short joint press declaration after their meeting in the Sandor Palace.

"The result of the election, the decision of the voters is clear and unambiguous: the election was legal, constitutional, free and democratic, and the legitimacy of neither the new Parliament nor the new government cannot be questioned," Ader underlined.

He said he will also propose to the new Parliament to elect Orban as prime minister at its inaugural session on Monday.

"A decade of dangers lies ahead," Orban said.

"There are rising prices throughout Europe, signs of a serious energy crisis and these elements mean suffering for the European economies," he said, warning that the European Union has not even emerged from the problems caused by the pandemic.

"Although the new government is not formed yet, the outgoing cabinet has already made decisions in recent days that follow the same principle, namely the need to protect Hungary in a decade full of dangers," Orban underlined, referring to the recent extension of the price caps on fuel and staple food.

He concluded by saying that preparations were underway to form his new cabinet, but could not yet reveal details on its composition.