Thailand’s COVID-19 cases rise to 3,083 with 1 new infections
By Sun Guangyong
People's Daily


Photos: People's Daily/ Sun Guangyong

Bangkok (People's Daily) - Thailand on Tuesday confirmed one new case of the COVID-19 coronavirus, bringing the total to 3,083 since the virus first arrived in the kingdom in January. The new case is Thai citizens returning from abroad.


A total of 59 patients remain hospitalized,  2,966 have recovered and returned home, and 58 died from complications related to the disease, according to Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health.

Thailand has been enforcing a national curfew since April 3. All nationals except medics, emergency workers and personnel delivering medical supplies and patients, have been urged to stay at home. 


The national coronavirus response authority decided to extend the state of emergency for another month until June 30 as the curfew and other travel restrictions have slowed the spread of disease. 

Public venues such as open-air markets and sports grounds reopened on May 3, while shopping malls, restaurants, conference centers and swimming pools reopened on May 17. And movie theaters, sports fields and more commercial activities reopened on June 1 as part of a phased plan of reopening the country.
