Cambodia's ruling party convenes annual congress to set goals for 2020

PHNOM PENH, Feb. 1 (Xinhua) -- The ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) held its 42nd congress on Saturday to review achievements in 2019 and to set targets for 2020.


File photo: CGTN

The congress was presided over by CPP's President Samdech Techo Hun Sen, who is the prime minister of Cambodia, and was attended by about 3,420 party members from across the kingdom.

CPP's Honorary President Samdech Heng Samrin said the two-day congress was to evaluate general situation and to review achievements last year and to determine direction and measures for the implementation this year.
The CPP won all 125 National Assembly seats in a general election in July 2018.
"For over a year, the CPP, led by Samdech Techo Hun Sen, has achieved a lot of new and remarkable feats for the country," Samrin said in an opening speech.
"Independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, peace, political stability, security, social order and state's power have been firmly maintained and protected," he said.
Samrin, who is also the president of the National Assembly, said overall, political situation and business atmosphere in the kingdom were good last year.
The CPP has ruled the country since 1979. The party's leadership is currently comprised of 37 standing committee members and 865 central committee members.