Greece confirms first death of passenger on fire-stricken ferry

Rescue teams in Greece recovered the body of a man on the "Euroferry Olympia", the first confirmed casualty of the devastating fire that engulfed the ferry off Corfu in the early hours of Friday.

The emergency services are trying to find 10 persons who are still missing but have been hampered by the very high temperatures aboard the ship.

Earlier, a truck driver from Belarus was found alive more than 48 hours since the fire broke out.

The Italian-flagged Euroferry Olympia on fire. (Photo: AP)

Members of the Fire Service's special Disaster Management Unit were able to locate the man who was seen moving near the stern of the ship. He was unharmed.

Greek television footage showed a man climbing down a stepladder from the vessel onto a tugboat tied to it.

The ferry is already moored by a tug boat and is no longer in danger of being dragged and stranded in the shallows, or colliding with another ship, authorities in Greece say.

Firefighters were trying to put out the fire operating from onboard the tug boats, and from the fire brigade's firefighting vessel.

(With input from agencies)