Chinese FM calls for long-term vision, win-win cooperation in ties with India

(File photo: CGTN)

NEW DELHI, March 25 (Xinhua) -- Visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said here Friday that China and India should stick to their own development paths and join hands to safeguard peace and stability both in the region and in the world.

Wang made the remarks at a meeting with Indian National Security Advisor Ajit Doval.

He proposed a three-point approach to achieving that end.

First, both sides should view the bilateral relations from a long-term vision. China and India, as two major developing countries and emerging economies, have a history of more than 1,000 years of civilization exchanges, and friendly cooperation remains the mainstream between the two countries, Wang said.

The respective efforts by China and India to realize national rejuvenation will have a far-reaching impact on Asia and the world at large, he said.

The Chinese minister noted that both sides should adhere to their two leaders' strategic judgement that China and India should not be a threat to each other, but an opportunity for each other's development.

The two countries should put their differences at a proper position in their bilateral relations and stick to the right direction of the China-India ties, Wang said.

Second, China and India should view each other's development with a win-win mentality.

China welcomes India's development and revitalization, and supports India in playing a more important role in international affairs, Wang said, adding that China does not pursue the so-called "unipolar Asia" and respects India's traditional role in the region.

China is ready to explore the "China-India Plus" cooperation in South Asia to forge a cooperation model with a healthy interaction, so as to achieve mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation at a higher level and in a wider range, he said.

Third, both countries should take part in the multilateral process with a cooperative posture.

Noting that this year and next will witness "Asia Moment" in global governance, Wang said China and India will host the BRICS Summit and the summits of G20 and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization respectively.

He said that when China and India speak with one voice, the whole world will listen, and if the two countries join hands, the whole world will pay attention.

The two sides should step up communication, coordination and mutual support to send more positive signals for upholding multilateralism and inject more positive energy into improving global governance, he added.