Tunisia issues arrest warrant for presidential candidate for tax evasion, money laundering


In this Jan.23 2012 file photo, the owner of the Tunisian private channel Nessma TV, Nabil Karoui, center, leaves the Tunis courthouse after attending his trial. (Photo: AP)

TUNIS, Aug. 23 (Xinhua) -- The Tunisian Financial Judiciary Pole issued a warrant for the detention of the presidential candidate Nabil Karoui, private radio station Mosaique FM reported Friday.

A second warrant for detention was issued against Nabil Karoui's brother Ghazi Karoui, a source at the Financial Judiciary Pole, was quoted as saying.

"The two warrants of detention were issued for (suspected) tax evasion and money laundering," Mosaique FM said.

The Financial Judicial Pole, charged with investigating, prosecuting and adjudicating financial corruption cases in Tunisia, also decided to reject the request to lift the freeze on the assets of the Karoui brothers, as well as the request to annul the travel ban on them.

Nabil Karoui, owner of a private television and a charity association, is one of the main figures of the Tunisian political scene, is running for the country's presidential elections scheduled for Sept. 15.