Kremlin hopes G7 will show 'common sense' in restoring ties with Russia


File photo: CGTN

MOSCOW, Aug. 26 (Xinhua) -- Moscow expects the Group of Seven (G7) member countries to be reasonable in the matter of restoring relations with Russia, the Kremlin has said.

"So far, it has not been possible to restore relations with some countries, but we hope that common sense will prevail sooner or later," the TASS news agency quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying on Sunday.

Peskov recalled that Russia was restoring relations with the overwhelming majority of the G7, which worsened after the Russian incorporation of Crimea in 2014, and Russia was suspended from what was formerly known as the G8.

He mentioned France and Italy as countries with which Russia's relations were "on a fairly positive track," adding that traditionally, Russia enjoyed close relations with Germany and Japan.

"To coordinate on global processes -- be it politics, geopolitics or economics -- then, of course, it's much more efficient to do it all the same with the participation of the largest countries in the world," he said.

In particular, he said that it is illogical to discuss issues of macro politics or macro economy without the participation of large countries such as China and India.

The three-day G7 summit, attended by France, the United States, Germany, Britain, Italy, Canada and Japan, is expected to end on Monday in the French city of Biarritz.

According to previous Russian media reports, leaders of the G7 countries expressed willingness to strengthen coordination with Russia, but said it is too early to discuss the possibility of readmitting Russia as a member state.