China donates COVID-19 vaccines to Sudan

Chinese Ambassador to Sudan Ma Xinmin speaks at a press conference at the Chinese Embassy in Sudan in Khartoum, on March 24, 2021. (Photo: Xinhua)

KHARTOUM, March 24 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese government will donate a batch of Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines to Sudan, Chinese Ambassador to Sudan Ma Xinmin announced on Wednesday.

"The Chinese government and military have decided to donate a batch of COVID-19 vaccines to Sudan," Ma made the announcement at a press conference held at the Chinese embassy in Khartoum.

"The vaccines, developed and produced by the Sinopharm Group, are scheduled to arrive on March 26 on a Chinese aircraft to the Khartoum International Airport," the ambassador added.

China has been helping Sudan in its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic since its outbreak in the African country last year.

A health worker holds a vial of the Sinopharm coronavirus vaccine during the vaccination of health personnel, at a clinic in Basra, Iraq, Wednesday, March 3, 2021. (File photo: AP)

China donated batches of medical supplies to Sudan last year, and a Chinese team of medical experts was sent to the country in last June on a two-week mission to support its fight against the pandemic.

As of Tuesday, Sudan had recorded a total of 29,542 COVID-19 cases, including 23,858 recoveries and 2,003 deaths.